Line Dancing

Let’s face it, sometimes we all embrace our inner Kevin Bacon and have secret jam sessions alone in our room or in the garage and dance like no ones watching. In his case he used it to let off some steam. Good thing dancing isn’t illegal in this day and age or we wouldn’t have viral videos. The classic styles of line dancing include the oldies but goodies, mostly associated with genres of music such as pop rock, dance rock, and Western to name a few.

Most of you probably can’t stop yourself from tapping your feet and snapping your fingers whenever you hear the popular Kenny Logins song ‘Footloose’. Don’t worry you’re not in this alone. Who could forget the famous breakout dance scene of the modern version of the movie footloose ‘Sell me a fake ID.’ Except don’t take the song literally or you’ll have the Niagara Ad Service calling you asking you who you really are and what you were doing on the night you went to Big Texas.

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